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One of the main aims at lES Zoco is to promote the mobility of the vocational students all through the European community. We believe that this experience will help them develop and upgrade both their professional and linguistic capabilities together with their personal growth.
- The procedure for the selection of the partners will be made through personal contacts, preparatory visits, and wilh the help of public institutions such us our local government, consortiums and chambers of commerce. The choice of parlners has taken into account both the interests of students and the improvement of the language from the country of destination.
We would like to establish an agreement of collaboration with the entities that meet the following requirements:
- Ability to provide theoretical and practical training both for students or staft
- Ability to organize the schedules and the services needed to guarantee a good location and to meet the needs of students and/or
- Available human resources to monitor and support the people in the
B. The eligible candidates will be from the EU to fulfill one of the aims of the Erasmus Charter, support the strengthening of and European site of education and
The main aims to get:
- Provide quality training and increase competitiveness within the European labour market, increasing the chances of specialization mainly for students and
- Enable the socio-cultural and linguistic exchange and the strengthening of relationships among the EU member
- Improve the employability and social cohesion, supporting lifelong learning promoting linguistic and intercultural skills.
- Encourage innovation and development and promote the use of The development of mobility initiatives is not only beneficial for those who are shifted but also for the whole educational community involved in the process, because we have to adapt to new methodologies and support cooperative work in ICT.
- Integrate the students in a sociocultural environment, providing accommodation, either at residence halls, families or shared flats, so that the students could improve their knowledge of the language, know their culture and uses and join their daily
- Promote equal opportunities in the selection of the students and The selection criteria will be respectful in terms of equality
- a. The They will participate in the mobility intend lo complement their studies andlor the training at the working place. This practical training is compulsory to get the degree.
- Staff (management and teachers). They will be able to join mobility programs that expand and develop their professional competences.
lES Zoco has held meetings and organized the information in several certified documents such as the annual curriculum of the school and so create a team to fulfill these projects within the planning of the school organization. The goals of this coordination are:
- To achieve cooperation and join the efforts of the whole community through arranging tasks, encouraging communication, internal and external cooperation between participating partners, and the fostering of cooperation between the main school departments.
- To keep the whole community informed of everything related to the projects within the Erasmus Programme through the website and our blog, the weekly newslet1er, as well as posters and
- This coIlaborative effort will organize the projects to be carried out within the programme such as innovative and specified training, p1acement, documents, travel and
- Assessrnent and accreditation of everything related to this program: use of documents such as
- To share the experience of participants by means of different media to serve as community
We have also included other departments of our high school (Foreign Languages, Employment Counselling and Training, Workplace Training) in the organizational structure of the programme to promote and coIlaborate on the execution of the project.
Our students and professionals in general. are going to work in an increasingly internationalized world. Due to this, language skills, cultural knowledge and keeping up with new professional technologies will be valued characteristics of employees.
The Erasmus Program will provide us with positive achievements from 2014 to 2020. In this way five priorities must be taken into account:
- To increase the number of graduate
Thanks to the Erasmus Charter an added value is achieved. It will guarantee that a number of students show interest in Vocational Training Studies. The industrial area surrounding I.E.S. Zoco offers posts related to these studies.
- To improve quality and importance of applicants ' training to be better
By means of a selection of firms and of European institutions, our applicants will be able to acquire new skills and to improve their professional ones.
- To provide our students with more opportunities as regards work training
The relationships I.E.S.Zoco has with all the firms and institutions it has worked or has signed agreements with will allow our students get high skilled training in everything they have leamed.
- To encourage relationships among educational institutions and
We would like innovation to be the main characteristie when teaching in an educational institution by means of signing strategic allianees. We want to select at least three Europan firms in arder to carry out our teaehing and training experienees.
- To look forward to governing and
Our institution would like to strengthen management according lo judgement which may be compared to other institutions we have worked with. Through innovative teaching projects we aim at promoting research in the classroom.
The Erasmus Charler makes it possible for every student in higher education to have work training in firms which will provide them with skills they cannol get inside the educational institution.
The teachers will al so be able to take part in formative processes, both in institution with higher level studies as well as in firms. Thus they will improve their teaching skills. The principal will also take part by means for signing agreements with other educational institutions and with outstanding firms.
When the Erasmus Charter is no longer in effect, the students are expected to be more likely to work in a European Union country, to increase cultural acceptance and to get used to various productive backgrounds. They should be familiar with processes and with technology so as to increase I.E.S. Zoco teaching level.